Redshift Transformation

AWS Redshift is based on PostgreSQL 8.0, where AWS added powerful scaling and made it available in the cloud. Transformations run on your own dedicated cluster in Keboola.


To create a simple Redshift transformation, follow these steps:

  • Create a table in Storage by uploading the sample CSV file.
  • Create an input mapping from that table, setting its destination to source.
  • Create an output mapping, setting its destination to a new table in your Storage.
  • Copy & paste the below script into the transformation code.
  • Save and run the transformation.
CREATE TABLE "result" AS SELECT * FROM "source";

Screenshot - Sample Transformation

You can organize the script into blocks.


Redshift in Keboola does not support functions or stored procedures.

There are basic constraints set to keep your Redshift cluster healthy. By upgrading your Redshift cluster to a larger size, these limits can be increased.

  • Redshift queries are limited to 3,600 seconds by default.
  • All Redshift queries are performed on the cluster assigned to your project. By default, there is a limit of five concurrent queries. Additional queries will be queued.
  • Queries containing comments longer than 8,192 characters will segfault.

Best Practices

Quoting: Use double quotes (") to encapsulate table and column names.

Case sensitivity: Redshift is case insensitive and stores all column and table names in lower case. However, Storage is case sensitive (be careful when migrating transformations to Redshift, letter case could cause problems in the output mapping).