AWS Cost Usage Reports

This data source connector downloads AWS Cost Usage Reports exported to S3 in CSV format.


AWS Setup

First, the CUR report exports need to be set up in the AWS account to be exported to an S3 bucket in the selected granularity and CSV format. Follow this guide to set up the export.

Export setup:

  • Set up an S3 bucket.
  • Set the report prefix.
  • Select granularity.
  • Select report versioning (overwrite recommended).
  • Choose the GZIP compression type.

AWS configuration

Component Setup

Create a new configuration of the AWS Cost Usage Reports connector.

Fill in the AWS config containing your S3 bucket details and credentials as set up in the AWS console.

AWS configuration

You have the following loading options:

  • Load type – if set to Incremental Update, the result tables will be updated based on the primary key. Full Load overwrites the destination table each time. Note that the primary key should be set on Incremental Load.
  • Primary key - set the required primary key. Note that primary key columns vary depending on the granularity you choose for your report. Please refer to the data dictionary documentation to choose the proper combination.

Now fill in the extraction configuration parameters:

  • New files only – when checked, only the latest reports are downloaded each run. You may use the Reset button to reset the previous timestamp. Note that when checked, the Maximum date parameter is ignored.
  • Minimum date – lowest report date to download. When New files only is checked, this applies only on the first run, reset the state to backfill. Date in YYYY-MM-DD format or a string, i.e., 5 days ago, 1 month ago, yesterday, etc. If left empty, all records will be downloaded.
  • Maximum date – lowest report date to download. When New files only is checked, this applies only on the first run, reset the state to backfill. Date in YYYY-MM-DD format or a string, i.e., 5 days ago, 1 month ago, yesterday, etc. If left empty, all records will be downloaded.
  • Report prefix – the prefix as you set up in the AWS CUR config. In the S3 bucket, this is path to your report. E.g., my-report or some/long/prefix/my_report. In most cases, this would be the prefix you’ve chosen. If unsure, refer to the S3 bucket containing the report and copy the path of the report folder.

AWS configuration

If the Incremental Load is set to true, the new data will be appended to the old ones. This way you can import new data, e.g., from today, without deleting the data imported before.

Output Table

The output schema is described in our official documentation.

Keep in mind that the result column names are modified to match the Keboola Storage column name requirements:

  • Categories are separated by __. E.g.,bill/BillingPeriodEndDate is converted to bill__billingPeriodEndDate.
  • Any characters that are not alphanumeric or _ underscores are replaced by underscore. E.g., resourceTags/user:owner is converted to resourceTags__user_owner
  • The Keboola Storage is case insensitive, so the above may lead to duplicate names. In such case, the names are deduplicated by adding an index. E.g., resourceTags/user:name and resourceTags/user:Name lead to resourceTags__user_Name and resourcetags__user_name_1 columns respectively.

Note: The output schema changes often and may be also affected by the tags and custom columns you define.